Frequently asked questions.

Is Wasatch Broadband in my area?

Feel free to check if your address falls in our coverage area here.

If you’re not sure if you can get our service based on the map, feel free to reach out!

Call or text: (801) 787-8227


How much speed do I need?

Each household’s needs are different. To get a good idea of what your household will need, click here and you’ll find out!

What does installation entail?

Installation usually takes about 1 hour. First, we hop up on your roof and check line of sight to our access point in the area, our service is dependent on line of sight. Then, we install our radio unit on the roof. This is done cleanly and professionally. While the equipment we use is not large or unsightly like a satellite dish, we make a great effort to ensure that we install the radio on the back side of the house to keep your roof line clean. If we need to install the radio somewhere visible, we’ll consult you first. We then run an outdoor rated ethernet cable either to the utilities on the side of the house, or directly into the house through the wall - completely dependent on your preference. Then, we plug the service into your router. Most homes built after 2010 have ethernet ports throughout the house, so we can usually install your router in any room that has an ethernet port.

Is there an installation charge?

Yes. There is a one time installation charge of $50. The equipment that we use is currently the best on the planet and therefore very expensive, so the installation charge helps us subsidize the cost of the equipment. If you’re not satisfied with your service and you decide to cancel within 30 days, the installation charge will be refunded to you in full, no questions asked. In the event that you do cancel within 30 days, since the installation charge will be refunded and there are no contracts or cancellation fees, there is quite literally nothing holding you down with our service. You have complete control.

How reliable is Wasatch Broadband?

We have many different redundancies in place such as numerous battery backup systems at all our hub sites, and several standby generators. Our greatest redundancy - our core network is built in a ring topology, so if one leg of the ring happens to go down, traffic will reroute the other direction and the internet will stay up. We also have multiple fiber paths out to the internet that fail over to each other redundantly, so fiber cuts aren’t a factor either. Wasatch Broadband simply stays up.

Does Wasatch Broadband provide a router?

We do not provide a router. It’s common knowledge that large internet providers nickel and dime you by making you pay unnecessary rental fees that add up over time. If you purchase a router once, we’ll set the router up for you on our service for free as part of the installation, and your monthly bill will always stay low. Our network does not support modems or router/modem combos, just standard wireless routers. If you need help figuring out what kind of router would be best for your family, click here to see a list of our recommended routers! Additionally, you can always call.

Are there any contracts, data caps, cancellation fees, throttling, or any sneaky, slimy things that big Internet companies do?


Does Wasatch Broadband have a solution for content filtering to protect my family?

Sure do! Click here to see our suggestions.

Do you have a referral program?

YES! For your first referred customer, you’ll receive a $50 credit on your bill. For every subsequent referrals, we’ll give you a $30 credit. Sky’s the limit, you can refer as many people as you’d like and enjoy service on us.

Additionally, here’s another way to get free service!

Ready to hop on board?